Arezzo is very beautiful city and one of the wealthiest cities in Tuscany, thanks to the traditional production and processing of gold. You can find in the southeastern part of Tuscany , nearby Via Cassia which has always played a major role in this region, and is located on the crossroads of four valley: the Val Tiberina, Casentino, Valdarno and Valdichiana. Its ancient origins are verified by the stone tools and the so-called Man of the Elm discovered here and found to date back to the Paleolithic era.
Medieval center was destroyed during World War II, but Arezzo still has plenty of monuments,museums and churches remaining that offer people a chance to step back in the time. The most important is certainly the Church of San Francesco. In this beautiful Church you can find the Bacci Chapel, where is the stunning fresco cycle of the Legend of the True Cross, Renaissance masterpiece by Piero della Francesca. Your tour continues to main street of Arezzo(Corso Italia),and there you will see Santa Maria Church with a particular Romanesque facade with columns. On the facade you can see a beautiful medieval group of statue depicting the twelve months.
Then stands Piazza Grande, bordered on one side by the impressive Loggia by Vasari and by Palazzo della Fraternita dei Laici with a delightful Madonna of Misericordia by Bernardo Rossellino. The square has become famous a set of the Oscar movie “La Vita è Bella” by Roberto Benigni. On top of the city stands the Duomo of Arezzo, entitled to Saint Donatus.
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Founded on a Christian church, the cathedral is famous for its 16th century stained glass by the French artist Guillaume de Marcillat. Inside there are a small fresco by Piero della Francesca depicting Magdalene and some majolicas by Andrea della Robbia. After that you will find Piazza Grande, bordered on one side by the impressive Loggia by Vasari and by Palazzo della Fraternita dei Laici with a delightful Madonna of Misericordia by Bernardo Rossellino.
This square has become known for the set of the oscar movie “La Vita è Bella” by Roberto Benigni. Duomo of Arezzo you can find on top of the city, and is famous for its 16th century stained glass by the French artist Guillaume de Marcillat. Inside, there are some majolicas by Andrea della Robbia and small fresco of Magdalene by Piero della Francesca. We recommended also Museum House of Vasari (“Giorgio Vasari” famous painter, architect, art historian), that he built in 1540,full of his masterpieces. More works you cant find at the Museum of Medieval and Modern Art that displays an impressive collection of majolicas of this artist. Arezzo can not be visited just in one day, but it ‘s definitely worth it to go back…
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